Labels:bulletin board | chat room | earth | fence | hakham | person | poster | reckoner | sky | skyscraper | stairway | windowpane OCR: H projected moment when humankind would occupy other stars, and this meant movine beyond chauvinistic ambitions to loftier regions af the uni verse Flammarion never lst ar opportunity ir his works ta condemr Wal and militarism class rule and exploitation He went down into Belgian coa] mines ta examine for himself the plight of the proletariat, the brutalized multitudes bent over the soil which they dig with tail land pain gain their daily bread They symbolize the grossness of the capitalist system which amasses gold at the expense of the laboring majority Social injustice and exploitation will cease when we can look up away from crass materialism t the diviner regions of the universe hence his insistence that astronomy reASe being ar abstract science and come within the ken at Flammarion's ...